General director Gertjan Lankhorst hands over baton to Marieke Abbink as of 1 April

Marieke Abbink joined New Energy Coalition on 1 February as Lankhorsts successor. In her role with New Energy Coalition Abbink is also the director of NEC’s Business School, EDI.
In her previous job Abbink was director of the RBO Foundation, an organisation that deals with issues at the interface of education and the labour market.
Gertjan Lankhorst has introduced her extensively in the field in the past two months. A pleasant period of familiarisation, enabling Marieke to get off to a good start.
The intention was to say goodbye to Gertjan Lankhorst extensively during a meeting planned on 2 April. Now that the Corona virus stands in the way of a pleasant get-together, we will organize a proper farewell for him later in the year.
We thank Gertjan Lankhorst for all his efforts for New Energy Coalition.